Breath, bio-mechanical alignment, and skillful action are ever the focus for honing the craft of asana -- yet these tools are also awesome techniques for creating greater awareness of the force of aliveness that is in all things. As we celebrate the New Moon in Libra this weekend, we'll create conditions for equanimous being and harmonious presence that is the crux of this energy. Each practice will include intelligent sequencing, enlivening instruction, and trustworthy approaches that give yoga practitioners the opportunity to taste what in Yoga is considered their innermost nature.
Saturday morning:: Revel and Embrace ~ 10am-12:30pm
This practice will combine conscious movement, action, and breath to create a natural connection with the infinite presence available in every moment. Fundamental standing postures, hip and heart openers, as well as inversions, will create a colorful tapestry of steady yet light-hearted yogic exploration.
Saturday afternoon:: Restore and Revitalize ~ 2-4:30pm
This inwardly-focused practice will be regenerative to the body and nervous system, the emotions and mind, as well as to the spirit. We'll work with the energies of Venus and Lakshmi, goddesses with a natural affinity for Libran harmony. A dynamic blend of asana with longer holds, including deep hip-openers, forward folds, and twists, invites a deep connection within.
Sunday morning:: Honour and Celebrate ~ 9-11:30am
This playful and upbeat practice will synthesize all genres of yoga posture, from standing to seated, inverted to hand-balancing. A reverent and inspiring bhava (mood) will set the tone for the transformative experience that is Yoga on this soulful Sunday!
Sunday afternoon:: Ground and Open ~ 1-3:30pm
This fluid yet slower-paced practice will be a yoga, breathwork, and meditation journey that integrates inner and outer worlds, blending heartfulness and artistry with breath, conscious movement, empowered action, and pervasive stillness. We'll explore asanas that invite introspection and intimate awareness of one's innermost self.