The Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere, aligns with a Capricornian infusion that is sure to give us inspiration to draw upon. As Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto all meet in the sign of Capricorn with the Sun and Moon joining them there, we’ll be diving into the energies of quiet, fortitude, and integrity. This practice will weave in the wisdom of Capricorn, its ruling planet Saturn, and its feminine yogic counterpart Dhumavati, to dive into an ever-still and peaceful place, trusting our capacity to be fully present with this aspect of life while simultaneously opening to the return of longer days. Join us for this age-old tradition, one in which we’ll move with conscious connection to breath, embody clear alignment and action in asana, and go deeply within to honour what is sacred. As we move across the threshold of Capricorn, we’ll call upon the wisdom of this energy that invites us to be present, patient, and poised within ourselves, unifying spirit, body, and mind in a balanced practice.
Madhu Wellness Collective in Rossland, BC
To register, please contact Madhu at