A Bit of Leonine Full Moon Lightness Against an Aquarian Backdrop

The incandescence of the Full Moon lights up the frigid night for all to behold. Her beauty casts a glow upon thick layers of snow and ice, brightening the wintry landscape in only the way that she can, reminding us of the ebb and flow that is life, the ever-undulating reality that constantly moves and changes, carrying us along with it as it does. When we make ourselves available to the underlying force that enlivens all things, we open to the mysteries that have always been present, even in the midst of technologies that might take us from them, but only if we choose this possibility. Tapping into the essence of life that lies at the heart of all, unchanging, yet that precipitates life’s cycles and rhythms, which are always changing, invites real gratitude, deepened understanding, and an ability to move with the Universe in its infinite becoming. In the midst of this Leonine Moon, with a fair bit of action in the sign of the Cup Carrier, there is still a prevalence of Piscean undertones that bring us closer to this ever-present dance of life, reminding us that even in the midst of great change lies an abiding, enduring power that will always hold us in its graceful embrace, no matter what.

Aquarius must march to the rhythm of its own drum, reminding those around it of the possibility of doing the same. In this way, it leads society forward, out of antiquated ways of being, ones that certainly seemed like the only way at the time, and into new horizons that embrace ideas and realities that felt rather impossible only decades prior. In this way, time marches on, the Cup Carrier playing its role of shaking things up, breaking down what must be changed, and inviting a more innovative way of operating for us all. But what must be remembered as this change happens around us is the whole point of the Water-Bearer, at least from the evolutionary astrological perspective, which is to locate and deeply know our own inner truth so that we may follow its guidance in all we do in the world, unwavering in our ability to uphold its wisdom. Yet if the changes around us consume us and leave us stubbornly fighting against a reality that is decidedly not our truth, our ability to uphold what is is called into question, and it becomes quite effortless for us to hold rigidly to what isn’t and never was our innermost authenticity, instead falling into a dispute with life that is uninspiring and drains our energy faster than we might know.

Ceres and Mercury form a tight conjunction to the Sun in Aquarius, which opposes the Moon in Leo (this is what creates a Full Moon!) with Pluto still in the early degrees of the sign. Ceres, or Demeter if you prefer, is a deity from whom we derive the word “cereal,” since she is the grain goddess who nourishes the world with that which we literally feed ourselves. She is known in the chart, then, almost as a higher octave of the moon, pointing to how we sustain ourselves and others, nutrition that may have everything to do with food, depending on the sign, or not much at all. In Aquarius, Ceres nurtures through reminding us of what is most authentic within us and to us, beckoning us to the inner knowing that we have been carrying with us for as long as we’ve been here, encouraging us to lean into our capacity to use it with clarity and discernment. She wants us to truly know beyond a shadow of a doubt this Inner Guidance System for ourselves, then learn to navigate by its clear and resolute counsel.

Mercury has the ability to facilitate a perceptual shift of sorts, welcoming insights and epiphanies, and a deepened, renewed, or perhaps revelatory perspective that allows us to see with increasing awareness and astuteness, but only if we open ourselves to it. In the sign of the Water-Bearer, Mercury invites an eagle-like view of reality, one that is similar to a “third eye open” understanding, bringing a Promethean energy that enlivens our view of and connection to reality.

This, all opposing and inviting us to a spectrum of fullness with performative Leo, whose creativity is here to be celebrated and applauded. When the Moon is in Leo, there is a deep soul yearning to bring these gifts to life, knowing them as oneself. Leo carries with it a light-heartedness and warmth that eases the sometimes aloof or detached energy of Aquarius, bringing a sense of play and delight into the cosmic flavorings, much like what a sweet little child — or puppy, depending on who you are — brings into the mix on a cloudy day. Leo is here to share its self-expressive gifts with the world, evoking all the emotions that the sign before it, Cancer, has basked in and deeply come to know. The Lion seeks to bring this full spectrum of human experience to life through music and dance, theater and film, art and fashion, comedy and play, writing, and even pottery! With Leo, the mechanism isn’t quite the point; it’s important, but what’s more so is the creative expression that the Lion has the ability to engender, evoking its audience in ways that inspire and uplift, move and provoke, ones that allow for an exchange of artistry that allows Leo to be seen and acknowledged in its expression, while those beholding it are left with the feeling of having received a gift in witnessing what only this energy can call forth. Leo needs to know the bliss that comes from this exchange, in whatever form it takes, channeling its innate power into expression that moves through it with such vivacity and force that not only are audiences moved, but it is too.

The sense of play and joy that are associated with Leo are available to us all, yet depending on our own natal charts, there could perhaps be a bit of terror associated with letting people see this intimate part of who we are. To move people in the way that Leo does asks us to share a deep, inner part of ourselves with them, inviting them into our own creative process and journey, one that must be participated in in order for the energy to be fulfilled. Yet even with an audience of one, the Lion reminds us that what we have to offer others and the world is a gift, and our ability to give it life, energy, and animation is worthy of being celebrated. For we all have a need to be seen and recognized on some level, and Leo wants us to roar our gifts to life in the world, understanding that this creative process is transformative in itself, and that our creative potential is enhanced when willing participants bear witness to our offerings.

Aquarius reminds Leo that one never needs to step out of their innate and most authentic self in order to get more applause, for sharing the most unique facets of oneself is inspiring in ways that simply performing can never be. We will always feel the difference between someone who shares with all of one’s heart and one who is just putting on an act for the sake of more applause or ‘likes’. Leo reminds Aquarius that play and light-heartedness are important flavors in life’s palette of experience, and that when we share who we are with the world in moving ways, we gift it with a piece of our own creative experience and expression, making it brighter and more vibrant than it was before. And perhaps we also feel a bit more connected to it, having shared a part of ourselves with it, weaving a piece of our own authenticity into the greater tapestry of life.

Uranus forms a tight square with the Full Moon from Taurus, perhaps creating friction in this play of opposites, but also welcoming an opportunity for us to expand our comfort zones. The Bull wants us to calm our nervous systems, feel comfortable in our bodies and skin, at ease in ourselves and our lives. While sharing our most authentic creative expression with the world may indeed feel like “getting out of our comfort zones,” I propose a different possibility in sitting with this. If Taurus is made too uncomfortable, it will shut down. Yet if it is completely tranquil and serene because it feels resourced in itself in all the ways it needs to be, it is then able to bring itself forth in ways that it may not normally, perhaps even daunting ones, able to tap into a place of assured-in-oneself being and expression. Uranus always wants us to be as authentic to ourselves as we possibly can be, and when we do so in completely embodied ways, we can then access a powerful place within that is the root and source of all creativity, authenticity, and expression. This is exactly what is possible at this Full Moon juncture; anything else keeps us in a sort of ‘imposter syndrome’ place, not able to fully access the truth of who we are to draw upon it and let it move us in evocative, inspiring, and powerful expressions in the world.

What does it mean to embody your authentic self? How can this facilitate greater self-expression in your life and in the world? What ways do you tend to cast aside your own truth in order to be seen in a certain light? How can you reclaim your truth and let it guide you in your creative endeavors and pursuits? In your life in general?

May this Leo Full Moon remind you that the creative and expressive gifts you have to offer the world are valuable and important. May you know the truth of your innate self and shine this light fully in the world. May you bask under the majestic full moon glow, letting it light you up from within!


The Water-Bearer’s New Moon Makes its Mark in the Cosmos