We’re so excited to offer 2020’s Revolution Yoga 300-Hour Teacher Training in Kamloops! Course content and syllabus can be found below.
Weekend formats are::
Friday, 4-8pm; Saturday, 10am-6:30pm; Sunday, 9am-5:30pm
Modular formats are::
Friday-Tuesday, 10am-6:30pm
Program Syllabus::
March 27th-29th:: New Beginnings, Aries, Durga, Mars
~Spring, Rebirth, Rejuvenation, Renewal
~New Moon in Aries
~The symbolism of Durga & Mars
~Singing Sankalpa to Life
~AUM & the Cycle of Creation
~Primer of Tantric Philosophy:: Shiva, Shakti, Spanda
~Pravrrti & Nivrrti Thought
~AWARRE:: Biomechanics to connect body, mind, & spirit; UPAs
~Spanda:: The Yoga of Complementary Contrasts:: Shiva-Shakti, Yang-Yin, Masculine-Feminine
~Pose Guide:: cat/dog, pointer pose, adho much svanasana, tadasana, uttanasana
~Teaching Methodology:: Recipes for skillful movement, alignment, and action
April 24th-26th:: Taurus New Moon, Lakshmi’s 4 Wealths, Venus,
the Mahabhutas, & Adhikara
~The Symbolism of the Taurus New Moon
~Venus, Lakshmi, the Purusharthas/4 Wealths of Life
~Lakshmi Kavacam Sadhana
~The Yoga of Purnatva
~ The Mahabhutas & Adhikara
~Arrive & Welcome
~Activating & Expanding Energies
~Pose Guide:: crescent lunge, lizard lunger anjaneyasana, parsvakonasana, trikonasana
~The Art of Using Active & Receptive Language to teach Asana
May 15th-19th:: Gemini New Moon, Mercury, Saraswati,
Matrika Shakti & the 4 Levels of Speech
~The Energy of Gemini
~Understanding Mercury, Saraswati, & their inherent link
~Matrika Shakti & the 4 Levels of Speech
~Meditating with Saraswati
~The 4 Gates of Speech
~Tattva Chart & Understanding Iccha, Jnana, & Kriya Shaktis
~Immersion into Leg Spirals
~Hips & Handbalances for Spiral Exploration
~Manas, Buddhi, & Ahamkara
~Shiva Drishthi & Seeing with Eagle Vision
~Diksha & Skillfully Assessing Levels of Readiness in Students
~Pose Guide:: arch chandrasana, virabhadrasana II, exalted vira II, prasarita padottanasana, utkatasana
~Sequencing:: Krama & Kala
~The Cultivation & Refinement of Daily Sadhana
~Evolutionary Astrology & Visioning Time:: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars
~Sharing Circle on Donna Farhi’s Bringing Yoga to Life
~Learning to RAR
~Working with Active Verbs for each Alignment Principle
June 5th-9th:: Sagittarius Full Moon
Natalie Rousseau for a module of celebration!
~History of Yoga
~Patanjali’s Sutras
~Spiral Exploration ctd…
~Jupiter’s Expansion & Exploration
~Pose Guide:: bakasana, vasisthasana with variations, visvamitrasana, eka hasta bhujasana, astavakrasana, eka pada koundinyasana II
~How to teach with a physical focus based on the Alignment Principles
June 26th-30th:: Parvati’s Gifts & Immersion into the Cancerian Realm
~Parvati’s Myth
~the Moon & 4th House Realm:: deepest yearnings, longings, & desires meant to be brought to life
~Mayuranda Nyaya
~Steeping in the deep: more meditation practices
~Imagination and its role in teaching & living the teachings
~Evolutionary Astrology & the Signs
~Restorative Practice
~Exploring the Rasas as necessary & delightful expressions of life
~Knowing & trusting one’s authentic voice, song, and rhythm
~Authenticity as a student and teacher
~Sharing Circle:: Meditation for the Love of It
~Upper Body Therapeutics
~Skillfully Weaving a Meaningful Heart Theme into class
~Expanding the Heart Space:: the Shoulder Principles
~Pose Guide:: eka pada rajakapotasana I prep & full, eka pada bhekasana, anjaneyasana and with thigh stretch, dhanurasana, urdhva dhanurasana, dwi pada viparita dandasana
July 17th-21st:: Leo New Moon, Lila, Krishna, Arjuna, & the Bhagavad Gita
~Leo & Lila:: the universe in constant play
~Teaching as an act of putting one’s vulnerability in the hands of the world
~Bhagavad Gita & Poised for Grace
~The Symbolism of Krishna
~The Yoga of the householder:: upholding the dharma/holding devotion and steadiness together
~Dharma-ksetra & svadharma
~The Universe as an expression of all that is Shri
~The Gunas from a Tantric Nondual View & in relationship to sadhana
~Saturn & Dhumavati as 2 sides of one coin:: integrity & boundaries with acceptance & the ability to let go
~Teaching Effective Demos
~Weaving Heart Theme & Physical Focus together
~Theming, Sequencing, Physical Focus, & Cuing with Bhagavad Gita
~Evolutionary Astrology of the Houses
~Asana Exploration:: Twists
~Lower Body Therapeutics
~Pose Guide:: parivrrta parsvakonasana & variations, parivrrta trikonasana & variations, parsva bakasana, dwi pada koundinyasana, eka pada koundinyasana I parava utkatasana
August 7th-11th:: 5 Acts of Shiva, Kali, the Yoga of Svatantrya and Transformation
~Neelakantha Shiva
~Yoga as Alchemical Process of Trusting it all
~5 Acts of Shiva & the Yoga of Svatantrya
~Maya/Kanchukas/Malas/Transformation/Alchemy/Working skillfully with the Karma that has ripened to actualize one’s own destiny
~Understanding Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto through the lens of Shiva
~Ahamkara & Knowing your own Recipe
~Staying Inspired to the Path
~Inversions:: the Tantric concept of Ujani
~Sharing Circle on Awakening Shakti
~Weaving together all facets of the teaching methodology
~Pose Guide:: handstand, pincha mayurasana, goofy pincha, sirsasanas I & II, salamba sarvangasana, sarvangasana
~Evolutionary Astrology of the Houses ctd…
August 28th-September 1st:: Pisces Full Moon & the Shiva Sutras
~Pisces, Bhuvaneshwari as the fabric of the Universe
~Shiva as the Yogi
~Shiva Sutra Exploration and Discussion
~Deep hip-openers
~Pose Guide:: baddha & upavaistha konasana, parsva upavistha konasana, janu sirsasana, parivrrta janu sirsasana, tiriang mukhaikapada paschimottanasana, agnistambhasana, gomukhasana
~Sharing Circle on Teaching Yoga by Donna Farhi
September 25th-27th:: A Continuation of Above!
October 23-25:: Practicums & Graduation!