As we move toward the New Moon in Pisces, which takes place on March 8th this year, we move toward the celebration of MahaShivaRatri, or the great night of Shiva. During this time, the energy of possibility becomes more palpable, and we're invited into the formless mystery to connect with all possibilities for expression in the world of form. This is the last New Moon of the Winter, beckoning us deep into the inner world to prepare for what we're bringing to life in the Spring.
Shiva in his is personified form is the meditating yogi, the one who can be seen sitting on the mountaintop, dreaming the Universe into and out of existence for thousands upon thousands of years. His realm is the place we go when we're beyond rational mind and thoughts, as he rules the domain of imagination and intuition. Shiva beckons us into his space of Unity consciousness to merge with all of Life so that we can live in the world from a clear place that's beyond old patterns of thinking and being. He invites us to our innermost nature. In fact, he IS our innermost nature.
Shiva is both this and the energy of transformation, representing what is needing to be let go of, shed, and even to die, in order to create space for what is unfolding from within our hearts and within our lives in the present. Shiva serves as a support and guide when doing the work of taking a real look at ourselves, even the parts of ourselves we don't necessarily like looking at. He ushers us into the place of what's real, raw, and vulnerable so we can move through the process of becoming whole once again. His powerful presence reminds us that we have the strength we need to move through all that arises.
This weekend workshop will call on and explore both aspects of Shiva – Shiva as the meditating god and the energy of Oneness, as well as the shape-shifting yogi and the energy of transformation. And most importantly, Shiva as YOU, the yogi. Students will work with clear alignment and action principles in their bodies, minds, and hearts to embody their most radiant Selves. Bring a yoga mat, a journal, an able body, and an open mind and heart to dive into this powerful weekend!
Friday, March 4th, 7-9pm ~ Approaching Shiva's Meditative Realm::
This grounding practice will include standing postures, hip-openers, twists, and forward folds to prepare participants to go within, basking in the dreamlike realm of Shiva the meditator. Students will explore the foundation and how to create solid support for all that they're calling to life.
Saturday, March 5th, 2-5pm ~ The Threshold of Transformation::
This fiery practice will invite participants to safely and strongly open their hearts and explore the precipice of possibility. Students will learn to work with their whole bodies to support their backbends and create transformation from within.
Sunday, March 6th, 1-4pm ~ Enter the Yogi::
This full spectrum practice will run the gamut of the yoga buffet and will include a few of each: standing postures, hip and heart openers, hand balances, inversions, and quieting poses, with the grand finale of a deep guided meditation. Students will learn to engage their whole bodies therapeutically for sustainable and long-term practice techniques.