Wu Wei:: Move like the Universe Moves

Happy New Moon in Pisces! If you've found yourself feeling a bit spacey lately, this could likely be attributed to the current cosmic alignment! As a very Piscean being, I've noticed myself needing to spend more time "spacing in" as I like to call it, staring off into the spectacular sunset, the majestic mountains, or the quiet fall of the snow as it continues winter. And this is the time of year to do just that, as the zodiac reminds us. For Pisces is an energy of unity consciousness; it's one of recognizing that when we take a moment of pause, we have an excellent opportunity to abide in presence/touch the face of the divine/rest in our innermost nature. Frame it however you'd like; as long as you're tuning into the mystery of Life, you're skillfully entering Piscean waters.

Not only is the New Moon currently in Pisces, but so is Mercury, the planet of how we both perceive and communicate reality, and it is definitely retrograde through March 10th. We're currently experiencing an influx of spaciousness with the Sun and now Moon in the sign of going with the flow of life, as well as the messenger god, as he slows down and seemingly moves backward, invites us deeply into our own inner processes to open to what is ready to be revealed. Mercury wants the conversation to move inside, but in a way in which we're giving ourselves (and each other) lots of space to sit with what's being communicated from the Universe so we might experience it on every level, not just in our minds. And Mercury's not alone, for Neptune, Pisces' ruling planet, is also in the sign of the fish, creating even more of a need for practices that remind us of our Wholeness and that of the Universe; that we ARE the universe in embodied form, the place where Life dances its infinite dance, if but for a time. Neptune reminds us that dissolving ourselves into boundlessness is an important part of our growth and remembering. As we do so, more of our identified selves can fall away so that we're left with what is truly authentic. Rather than living from an idea of who we think we are, we live from a place of presence in each moment, the fluidity of time moving us along in ways that encourage heartfulness and soulfulness.

If this is the case, then part of Pisces is about letting go what once was, what we thought we once were, and opening to the current vision and way that the Universe wants to move us right now, in this very breath. It's not about holding on to tightly-held beliefs or ideas; rather, Pisces reminds us that in the releasing of these inconsistencies, we make space (what it loves!) for pure, abiding awareness. And though Awareness never changes, the way that it expresses itself here constantly does. Yet how to go with it? Spiritual traditions through the ages have been sitting, dancing, chanting, praying with and about this conundrum.

The first Taoists (that we know of, anyway) might describe this as "Wu Wei". The "wu" used here comes from the old word describing "not" or "negation." "Wei" refers to "the power to act." So we might describe this as "non-action," similar to the Buddhist or even Classical Yogic perspective of non-attachment. Yet from a more holistic perspective, we recognize that living in the world requires action, and the more conscious we are with our actions, the more we bring to life our innermost nature, contributing heartfully to the world in the ways that only we can.

My Chinese Classics teacher, Kevin Wallbridge, would describe "Wu Wei' in a very Tantrik way, which is what resonates most with my own sensibilities. In essence, wu wei is being so engaged with the world that you can only move the way that the Universe moves. One can only move the way the Universe is unfolding rather than making the world conform to one’s will. Essentially, it's non-striving. Does this mean that we don't engage with the world? Absolutely not! But it means we don't stress ourselves out in the ways in which we're engaging. We learn to sense the bigger flow of life, and to go with it. "To everything there is a season and a time under every purpose to heaven." This isn't news to us; it's just something our modern world isn't amazing at living. Yet when we do remember what is in our blood and our bones, that which some of our ancestors knew, we go with the way that life wants to move us, feeling it as though with a 6th sense, and are able to gracefully move in the world in ways that are similar to what the Taoists taught.

Kevin, again:: The Universe provides us the moment to jump, but we still have to jump.
Recognizing opportunities is also an important part of this moving with the Universe. This is not trying too hard to be passive, non-interfering, and non-striving so that opportunities pass us by. The evolutionary astrologer in me smiles at all of this, for the synchronicity of the planets' and stars' positions in the sky is exactly the way we can learn to go with the Universe's inherent intelligence. For instance, transiting Jupiter reminds us to "leap, and the net will appear." Transiting Saturn reminds us that we've outgrown a part of ourselves and our lives that needs to be actualized in the world through commitment and hard work. And transiting Uranus reminds us that we've mistaken aspects of society and culture for ourselves, and that individuating from these inauthentic parts of ourselves will promote greater freedom and celebration in the way we participate in life. I could go on, but this will certainly suffice. In other words, Wu Wei is the art of going with life's seasons, movements, and rhythms, and the ways each of these engage with and through us.

As I write this I look up to see a bald eagle flying in front of the mountain. This is what I mean by the synchronicity of moving the way Life moves. I see an eagle whenever I need guidance or support. And perhaps sometimes just a thumbs up. Pisces reminds us that life is magic, and that when we pause to attune ourselves to this magic, we become keepers of it and are able to live more in a "flow state". Or as pop culture might say, we live from a "woke" place. And there is a part of you that is already "woke". Pisces encourages you to find this place and to live more from it in the world. What happens when you trust this inner guidance and let it lead the way?

The Force is with you! You're meant to go with it, to harness it, to be it.  Enjoy.


On Living in Uncertain Times with Alignment and Integrity


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