The Return of Spring & Its Upcoming Eclipses
Happy Vernal Equinox! As we begin a new zodiacal cycle and Life springs forth from the stillness of Winter, we are invited to bring into the world what has been growing quietly within our hearts and souls over the past months. Nature begins to burst from its seams in a process of revivification that inspires us to the same, coming back to life in ways that allow for action, focus, and movement into the world with purpose and direction. We carry with us the gems discovered and integrated during the last cycle, having released what we no longer needed to move forward with clarity and awareness. If this isn't the case, we'll continue to grapple with issues that have plagued us in the past, necessarily churning with them to gain some insight and shed what is no longer relevant or helpful to our soul's progress through another cycle of time.
This Aries Season begins with two eclipses, the second of which will be visible from many places in North America. These eclipses take place on the Aries-Libra axis and are part of a greater cycle that began on April 20th of last year and will continue until March 29th, 2025. For those born with the Nodes of the Moon on the Aries-Libra axis (1930-1931, 1939-1941, 1949-1950, 1958-1959, 1967-1969, 1977-1978, 1986-1987, 1995-1997, 2005-2006, 2014-2015), this time has the possibility of being especially revelatory, as well as for those whose natal Sun, Moon, or Ascendants fall on this axis. As well, for those with a lot of symbolism on the Cancer-Capricorn axis, these eclipses will square this part of the birth chart, bringing an opportunity for integration through the possibility of challenging situations. And if none of that makes sense to you whatsoever, no need to worry; read on for more general material regarding what is up for the collective during the coming month and year, until the close of the Aries-Libra eclipse cycle for another 8 or so years.
Eclipses are times when things that have been brewing beneath the surface come to light in a new way, bringing insight, revelation, and understanding. Yet in many centuries prior to our own, they tended to be regarded through a superstitious lens that brought foreboding and a sense of ominous portent. Even today, this energy sometimes seeps into people's perspectives on what to expect from an eclipse, which only keeps us from opening ourselves to opportunities for soul growth, illumination, and evolution. Because this is the case, it becomes even more important to stay receptive and clear in our perceptual frames, remembering that the Universe does have our backs, and that we are here to embody our most clear Selves, moving, dancing, working, singing, and breathing with the Universe to facilitate this beautiful process.
Now, to the Aries-Libra axis. I always think of this one as the "me-we" axis, one that includes the themes of the hero's journey and the odyssey of the soul; a need for the development of courage and intensity through facing fears in oneself and the world; and the cultivation of healthy selfishness, prioritizing one's own deep needs on the journey to freedom; as well as those of true intimate connection; relating in soulful ways that allow us to be seen as much as we are present to see and understand another; and beauty, aesthetics, and grace that comes with moving through life in an artful way. Those issues mentioned in the beginning of the paragraph have the mark of Aries, the warrior, the pioneer, and the leader, while those in the second part are indicative of Libran qualities and flavors, who is the zodiacal peacemaker, lover, best friend, and artist.
With two signs that seem so utterly different, how can we reconcile them, and what do they have to teach each other? These will certainly be questions we are invited to navigate during this eclipse season! To answer them, it is helpful to look at the shadow expression of each, for this is where we really see how one side of an astrological axis provides a remedy for the other.
The shadow of Aries is rage, selfishness, and narrow-mindedness. It can be harsh, unable to see other's perspectives, and solely focused on itself in ways that make it seem intolerable to anyone but itself. The shadow of Libra gives itself away too easily, not knowing what it needs or wants and thereby growing resentful of other's taking advantage of its too easy flexibility. While Aries can be quick to temper and to go on the defensive, Libra can be avoidant in ways that keep it from ever dealing with anything uncomfortable at all, brushing everything under the rug for the sake of keeping the peace at all costs. And while neither of these extremes or shadow tendencies are helpful in the slightest, each side of the spectrum does offer aide to the other.
Aries tends toward cortisol and adrenaline, feeling a need for speed and outer intensity. Libra tends toward dopamine and serotonin, feeling a need to calm down and connect in heartful and soulful ways. Because the eclipses take place on the axis that includes both energies, knowing that both extremes have their place is helpful, and using each energy appropriately even more so. I often liken Aries to the goddess Durga, an intense warrior deity who only shows up when she is called upon, yet when she does, she is fierce, powerful, and bold, daring those who stand against her to do so at their own risk. Similarly, I liken Libra to the goddess Lakshmi, who is as soft as Durga is fierce; she represents the archetypes of beauty, love, and connection, and invites all those she comes into contact with to soften themselves so they can feel her generous presence.
When these two energies come together, they can often collide, creating catastrophic circumstances. Yet when each is used appropriately, there is a true movement back and forth, an ebb and flow that brings us into harmony in ourselves, relationships, and lives. When we approach a conversation with our beloved, or anyone else for that matter, from a place of Aries, perhaps being unable to soften a little to hear someone else out, a battle could ensue, and fairly quickly. When we do so from a place of healthy Libra, we're able to put ourselves in the other person's shoes and see what's being presented from their perspective. Even if we don't agree, being willing to give the other person a little grace can go much further than we anticipated, opening up a conversation that allows both people to feel seen, heard, and understood afterwards. Even if each side of the conversation doesn't walk away agreeing with each other, a common ground has been shared for a bit, and that goes a long way. Perhaps because this is true, each is able to take in a bit of what the other offered, and both are affected positively from the experience.
Yet when it's time to birth a creative project or embark upon a new journey in some area of our lives, Aries is the perfect energy to call upon. It's initiatory, focused, and purposeful; it needs to put its will toward something important to be used skillfully. If we were to bring too much Libran energy into the mix here, we might be hemming and hawing all day long, all month long, all year long, never getting anything done. But when we call on the power of Aries (and Durga) from deep within, we have the energy and intensity at the ready for the task at hand, and we're able to start something that we may have otherwise felt too cautious or wishy-washy about. "He who hesitates is lost," comes to mind here, and this kind of circumstance is definitely one that wants us to bring some initiatory fire to it!
As we enter Springtime and another eclipse season, I wish you blessings of grace and harmony so that you might bask in the beautiful energy that Libra and Lakshmi are known for. I also wish you courage and boldness when you need it so that you can charge forth into the world with purpose and direction, bringing what has been brewing deep within you to life with courage and love. And I wish you the ability to dance with these energies with awareness, truly knowing when each is most appropriate, finding the extremes of their axis when that is most helpful, and the middle of their axis when it's called for.
Happy Springtime! May the seeds of your deeply internal winter wanderings begin to grow with all the beauty they're meant to.