Evolution Medicine

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Death, Rebirth, & the Scorpio-Taurus Eclipse Cycle

Eclipse Season is upon us, just as the Sun and Venus enter the Scorpionic realm of the zodiac. Eclipse cycles last for about 2 years, meaning that during this time, there will be four eclipses per year that take place on the same astrological axis. On November 19th, 2021, the eclipses shifted into the Taurus-Scorpio realm of the zodiac, where they will more or less remain until October 28th, 2023. In just a few days, we'll experience a New Moon Eclipse on October 25th in the sign of Scorpio, and 2 weeks later, a Full Moon Eclipse on November 8th in the sign of Taurus. But what does this mean in laypeople terminology? And what are we invited to look at and integrate during this time? As always, the Cosmos are happy to provide answers to these questions, and we are given an opportunity to shapeshift, alchemize, and heal in profound ways.

Scorpio is archetypically characterized as the detective and the sorceress, the shaman and the alchemist. It inevitably deals with death and rebirth, attuned as it is to the deep psychological realm of reality. Scorpio evokes a profound sense of our ability to uncover parts of ourselves that we've hidden away because we weren't yet ready to face them, and to skillfully work with them in transformative ways that invite empowerment and potency. If we're unwilling to uncover and face these aspects of ourselves, they lie festering in the unconscious realm, growing more destructive with time. Blame and projection inevitably arise from this situation because we're unwilling to acknowledge and heal a part of ourselves, instead "othering" it and forcing it into reality in unhealthy ways. What has been unable to find healing inside distorts itself and recreates pain and suffering both internally and externally. But this is a far cry from the ideal of Scorpionic energy, for it reminds us that if we choose to face what lies in the dark, getting to the source of whatever patterns live there, we can then embody the truth of our nature as human beings. We become fully human: anthropos. Though this process may be uncomfortable and painful at times, it is far more inspiring than the aforementioned alternative, and by moving through the transformational portal and facing a pattern that may have kept us ensnared our whole lives, we die unto ourselves in this way so that we may be reborn as a more clear, true, and authentic version of who we really are. We take the burdens of the past and turn them into nectar for the present and future.

For example, we now know that epigenetic behavioral patterns can be passed down from generation to generation. Even if someone wasn't alive during a specific life event, especially one that was traumatic in some way, whichever pattern an ancestor created to deal with the trauma is passed down to the next generations. If abuse or alcoholism (or both) live in the family line, these tend to be perpetuated until they are brought fully into the light of consciousness, seen, felt, and healed by going to the root and transforming the pain and suffering into energy that can be used in healthy ways in one's life. Suicide and depression are similar: if an ancestor experienced debilitating depression to the point of suicide, this pattern is passed down through the family line until, once again, someone in the line chooses to integrate the pattern by doing their "shadow work," fully seeing, feeling and transforming it in ways that eventually allow a freedom from what was once a heavy burden. In my opinion, this is a huge part of why we choose to incarnate as humans: so that we may free ourselves and our ancestral lines from the traumas we have experienced, and so that we may live a life free of these limiting scenarios and stories, creating more beauty in the world we share. Amazing therapies like EMDR, memory cuing, Somatic Experiencing, and so many others are becoming more prevalent in our modern era. As well, the use of psychedelics and entheogens are becoming more popular in the modern world as the need for this deep Scorpionic work is felt and brought to the fore. Now more than ever, we have access to wonderful tools for transforming what we once thought we were bound to, but now know we can change, one breath at a time.

Taurus, Scorpio's opposite and complementary contrast, reminds us that our true nature is filled with a "peace that passeth understanding," one that can be embodied in each moment. It seeks tranquility and serenity, stability and security, and most healthily this is done through spending time in Nature and participating in practices that invite us to feel at home in our own skin. As we've seen with Scorpio's discussion, trauma from our ancestors and our own past life experiences is held within the tissues of the body. As my teacher Steven Forrest says, "the soul doesn't forget." Whatever karma hasn't been worked out ancestrally and/or karmically is carried into the current life in order to be revealed and healed, and the body is what helps us to remember just what needs to be revealed and healed! Taurus knows that the body "keeps the score," holding all of the awareness of what is being stored within, and it also knows the areas of stored blockage and trauma that need transformation if we are to become the bright beings we came to this beautiful planet to be. When we attune ourselves to the potent messages that our bodies are constantly offering us, we cultivate the ability to deeply listen to these sources of wisdom, as well as to gain access to full and complete transformation through our tissues. Practices like yoga and meditation, acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, craniosacral therapy and massage, applied kinesiology and somatic therapies invite us to let the wisdom of the body lead the way, reminding us that our innate nature is already healed and whole, and that the vessel in which we spend all of our time holds profoundly significant keys to our awakening.

When we merge the Taurean and Scorpionic realms, a deep alchemy takes place, and we are truly able to embody our potential in this lifetime. While the path may not always be a walk in the park, when we're willing to see and confront the raw truth, honoring the role our bodies play in our belief systems and deep patterning, there is always freedom and awakening through the process. And right now, we're being invited to this integration, but it will only happen if we choose this path, for life's possibilities always require a choice. With Venus close to the New Moon Eclipse on October 25th, people who are also interested in deep transformation will be important to call to us. Those who have and are choosing to walk the path of alchemy themselves will be strong allies during this time. And with Uranus seated just beside the Full Moon Eclipse on November 8th, what is most authentic to our hearts and souls will make itself even more clear so that we may live this truth as clearly as possible in body, heart, soul, and mind.

What is arising to be acknowledged, revealed, and healed? What are the messages your body is communicating? What are you ready to see, feel, and transform during this potent portal? What parts of you are ready to die so that you may be reborn as your most authentic and true self?

May your journey through this powerful threshold be fulfilling and magical, and may you know the truth of who you are on every level.