Evolution Medicine

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A Memorable Taurean Full Moon in the Season of the Shaman

The cold rain comes down in an unrelenting tempo, determined to make up for the long, dry days of summer not two months prior. Committed to soaking the earth and penetrating the roots of every plant nearby, leaving an undisputedly soggy situation, its presence casts a somber tone upon the day, or shall I say week, for those within its sweeping reach. And yet, this particular flavor carries with it the perfect mood for the introspection that has been waiting for us to come and visit, a movement from the outer world to that within, a place that is absolutely as rich and alive as what we can see with our eyes, hear with our ears, and touch with our fingertips. To know the inner landscape in this way, we must first endeavor to spend some time with it, as any relationship would ask us to do. And this Scorpio Season’s Full Moon in Taurus, conjunct Uranus in its own sign of the Earth Mother, sextile Neptune in the sign of the Mystic, and trine Pluto in the sign of the steady Sea-goat, is quite a good time to do so!

Perhaps the clouds will break just long enough for us to catch a glimpse of this month’s dazzling moon, but if they choose to keep her obscured from sight, rest assured that we will still be feeling the energies associated with this magical time! Taking place at 1:28pm Pacific and 4:28pm Eastern, this Full Moon will occur at 24° Taurus, the last Full Moon in the sign of the Bull that will conjunct Uranus until this planet comes back to Taurus in 2102, or 84 years since it entered the first of the earth signs this time around.

Taurus invites us to lean into our animal instincts and to trust our bodies and the wisdom they carry. It encourages us to savor the world we can experience through our senses and to create healthy habits that calm our nervous systems and connect us with the innate tranquility within. Through spending time with our magnificent Mother Earth, Taurean energy is assuaged, nature providing the perfect backdrop for connecting with our own innate nature that is placid and at ease, much like the bull who is contented to lounge in the grassy meadow, chewing its cud to truly absorb the nutrients of what it’s ingested, its symbol inviting us to do the same with our experiences and processes in life whenever this energy is involved.

Scorpio, whose season we are in, always wants us to look more deeply at what reality is showing us, recognizing that most all of life is “more than meets the eye.” If we open to this facet of reality, we become privy to the unseen realm that is alive and well, whose energy we can work with and move with, dance with and breathe with in powerful ways that inspire us to be the alchemists we truly are. This shamanic sign knows that the ancestral patterns we have inherited from our forebears, as well as those we have carried karmically for lifetimes, can always be transformed into usable, powerful energy that shows a more clear and viable way forward, one that comes from a healed and clear place within rather than a wounded one that only serves to create more victimhood wherever it goes. But we must choose to take this path if we want to claim the title of “alchemist,” making ourselves available to the deep and vulnerable work that our souls chose before we incarnated this time around. And as Taurus reminds us, our bodies are the humble yet beautiful vessels who have been carrying these patterns around for as long as we’ve been in them, maps of a sort, who, by learning to listen to their deep wisdom, show us clearly where old things are stored so that we might do the soul-reclamation work that Scorpio is so skilled at.

Uranus, who has been in the sign of Taurus since 2017, is known to bring opportunities for us to experience our most authentic natures, freeing ourselves from the constraints of society, as well as the karmic and epigenetic hindrances that have kept us from embodying the truth of who we actually are. Traditionally, it is known to bring events that occur “all of a sudden,” or “out of the blue,” ones that bring abrupt and unexpected change to what was once just a normal part of our lives. For this reason, some might talk about this Full Moon in particular with a bit of trepidation, asking us to hold our breath or beware of abrupt changes to our emotional experiences and the deep needs of our souls. And while this may be true, for sometimes we need a little shaking up in order to tap into what is most genuine to our innate natures, Uranian energy is certainly not a bad thing in and of itself. It wants us to claim our sovereignty by reminding us that the deeper, most authentic self within ultimately cannot be stifled, and that we can always choose to recognize whatever this oft-erratic planet brings as a gift that bestows emancipation from all of the forces we’ve given our power to within our lives, reclaiming our birthright to live as who we came here to be without the unseen limitations of culture, karma, society, and the like. If this sounds uncomfortable to you, it very well may be, but perhaps not as uncomfortable as living a life of inauthenticity and hiding from oneself.

Neptune, who moved into its home sign of Pisces in 2012, will also be moving into Aries next year, not to return to the sign of the Dreamer until 2175! This planet, and most especially when in Pisces, needs experiences that connect it with the All, alive to the inherent intelligence that enlivens and animates every facet of life. It reminds us that when we make time for our spirit lives and spirit selves, we gain a new dimension of reality that puts all of our day-to-day activities into perspective, giving us access to the infinite nature of reality, even what might seem mundane or meaningless. Because it sextiles the Full Moon in Taurus, it brings an energy that supports endeavors of serenity into the mix, reminding us that quiet contemplation and connection with the magic of life provides the perfect backdrop for the embodied transformation that typifies the Taurus-Scorpio axis.

Lastly, Pluto trines this Full Moon from the last five minutes of Capricorn, where he will remain for only a few more days before moving into Aquarius for 19 years. The Lord of the Underworld and the Riches ingressed into the sign of the “old goat” in 2008, staying here until 2023, from which time he’s been in and out of the sign of the Water-bearer. Pluto always wants us to reclaim our power back from the wounds and traumas we’ve experienced, in this life and others, dancing with our deepest fears in order to liberate the energy that has been held within them, yet only until we metamorphose it into our most vibrant and empowered selves. In Capricorn, we were asked to climb the mountain of integrity in this slow and methodical way, doing what was necessary to become the elders we hopefully are now, having chosen the hard path that begets results and bears fruit, yet only after the work is done. This will be the last Full Moon making an aspect to Pluto in Capricorn until 2254 — in other words, a very long time! And though we might be relieved at this passage, here, Pluto invites us to look back over the long walk we’ve made, to see and sense, feel and understand the journey we’ve undergone, to the underworld and back, time and again, so that we can fully embody the resilient beings we have become, knowing that this was the choice we were meant to make, and that we are exactly where we’re meant to be because of it. We can now claim its truth in our bodies — our blood and bones, our tissue and teeth, and even our DNA, for this is what has been transformed, shifted for all of time.

May this Full Moon bring just the nourishment you need, inviting you more comfortably into your skin, more deeply into your process, and more fully into the beautiful being you have always been and are continually becoming. May you bask in its magic, recognizing that the same energy that created it, created you too, and that we are all made of stardust and moonbeams, even in our darkest of nights, for this is when we glow most brightly.