Resting in the Cosmic Womb: the Cancer New Moon

We enter the Cosmic Womb space on the Cancer New Moon, offering us respite from the flurry of activity that our lives have become. Our spirits come home to rest in the place where all life is nurtured into being, held and nourished by something so much greater than ourselves we may be at a loss for how it name it. Yet it is the fundament of all reality, and it is in this place that we become whole again, our cells rejuvenated, our hearts given just the right medicine; some might call it love.

Cancerian energy welcomes us to its emotionally-charged world, one that is governed by healing and feeling, an inner landscape of potent energies who all want us to taste and to know them for the richness they offer. When we allow ourselves into this powerful inner landscape, we must surrender the rationality that we may normally live within for protection or security, letting down our guards so we can revel in the fullness of feeling, for this world is one all its own. Here, every ounce of us is able to feel the sweetness that is inextricably woven into the human experience, leaving all other parts behind. Here, too, parts of ourselves that we have left behind or buried deep within are given the space to be seen and felt, eventually coming home to us so that we can know them as innate aspects of who we truly are.

Grandmother Moon, in all of her changing aspects, yet constant in her care, lulls us into her embrace, reminding us that no emotion is too big or strong or overwhelming to let rip through our hearts, bodies, and minds; they all have their place, and they are all here to be known in this embodied form. Each is a true gateway to what lies beyond the conditioned self, and the Moon, in her constancy and sensitivity, is able to hold us through them all. She cradles us in her maternality, reminding us that when we allow ourselves to soften into her care, there is nothing we need fear, for she is always there to love and to enfold us, but most especially when we need it most. She only asks that we trust her gentle yet powerful embrace, for she is always there to hold us wherever we are on our journeys.

Soul family looms large with Cancerian energy, and we are called home — both to our hearts and to our motherland — to reconnect with those who’ve known us since before we knew ourselves, to bask in the tenderness of those who understand us without us needing to utter a word. And because Venus is conjunct the New Moon in the sign of the mother and the healer, we are called to drop in deeply with our soul friends and family so that we may be seen as the beautiful beings perhaps we forgot that we were, and so that we can in turn offer our love to people who’ve given us such grace along the way.

Trining the New Moon is Saturn in Pisces, a wisdom-keeper who knows that in order to live fully and well, we must take this necessary and important time from our daily tasking and constant work, so that our hearts stay tender and our eyes a bit damp from time to time. He knows that great tasks that must be accomplished begin and are nourished to being in this intimate space of feeling, and that the more we know this in the depths of our souls, the more ready we are for what we’ve come here to do. Rest and respite, self-care and nourishment are acts of love that remind us of our own need for gentleness as we make our way through life, and tears a sacred expression of a life worth living.

May you savor your time in the Cosmic Womb, welcoming tender loving care for yourself and others, and may it nourish you deeply so that you know what it means to be home in your own skin.


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