Evolution Medicine

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The Magic of Matrika

The Full Moon has a way of reminding us of the magic that inherently lives in the universe, and that when we open ourselves to it, we sense something that's beyond the rational realm of existence. For it pulls us into our hearts, if we allow it to, reminding us that sometimes sensing our way through life with more than just our minds is exactly what is needed. And while our capacity to reason is certainly important for many tasks, there are times when opening ourselves to something much greater than this is of utmost importance. With this month's Gemini Full Moon, the shift isn't just about moving into a feeling realm, but about a perceptual turn that invites us to connect with a reality that is bigger than what is most obvious. For the universe has its own rhythm and flow, and when we make ourselves available to it, synchronicity abounds. We become aware of things we may not have been aware of before, and we move beyond the realm of the rational, entering a new space of perception.

Gemini is associated with synchronicity and perception-shifting, qualities that can bring epiphanies, "aha" moments, and lasting insights that change our viewpoints forever. Yet, in order to experience these aspects of the sign who is associated with the witness and the story-teller, we must make ourselves available to them. For, life can easily pass us by without any of these experiences if we choose to stay locked into a certain view of reality. And this is definitely the time for choosing to see life from another angle with what 2020 has brought to us all!

Gemini, ruled by the planet Mercury, or Hermes the messenger, has long been associated with communication. Of course this takes place through words, language, writing, reading, orating, and listening, but it goes beyond this realm to what we've already been discussing, that of perception. An important yogic association with Mercury is the goddess Saraswati, she who also rules the realm of language, insights, and the creativity associated with opening ourselves to this bigger force. Saraswati is connected to one of my favorite aspects of yoga:: matrika shakti. Our word 'matrix' comes from 'matrika,' and 'shakti' is the animating force of the universe that gives it expression and movement. 'Matrika shakti,' then, is the force that animates our ideas, words, thoughts, and perceptions, the matrix of perceived reality that lives in our minds, creating something like a lens through which we view reality. We all grow up with certain belief systems that dictate how we orient ourselves to life, and sometimes the matrika that we grow up with becomes our reality as we age and continue moving through the world. Unless we have a reason to question these views, sometimes we carry them with us until we move on from this realm. Yet, Geminian energy has a deep need to diversify life, experiencing varied outlooks that keep the mind fresh and open. Gemini is here to embody curiosity and question everything, and in so doing, shift the matrika in ways that invite an ever-present beginner's mind. This frees us from limiting ideas that would keep us from embodying the truth of who we are, believing in a version of reality we inherited or picked up from others, rather than realizing the reality that is truly our own. And though we always have a choice to engage the matrika in transformative ways, when the Sun, Moon, Nodes of the Moon, or planets are in the sign of Gemini, we have an increased capacity to tap into this ability to reframe life. And now, with both the Full Moon and the North Node of the Moon in Gemini, we have a sweet opportunity to do just that.

At this interesting juncture in time, most of us are ready to shift things up a bit, experiencing life in ways that remove us from the drudgery, reinvigorate our minds and spirits, and open us to the magic of life that hasn't really gone away for those who are willing to sense it. How might you engage with this Gemini Full Moon, hitting the refresh button, and expanding the Matrika Shakti so your perceptual reality remembers to include the magic everywhere?

I wish you an amazing Gemini Full Moon!