Evolution Medicine

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The Approach of Autumn & Its Eclipse Season

As the Autumn Equinox approaches, so too does our October Eclipse season! From the Chinese Medicine perspective, Autumn is a time of drawing inwardly and letting introspective practices take more of the center stage in our lives. As the days begin to shorten and the light wanes, creating a crimson and gold beauty like no other time of year, we gather the blessings and warmth of summer deeply into ourselves to keep our inner flame burning brightly when the weather chills. Autumn reminds me of Saturn in astrological terms, as it invites us to "batten the hatches" of our bodies, protecting ourselves from the cold that is arriving, creating healthy boundaries in our lives that keep us energized as the weather cools, and setting limits on our time, energy, and attention so that we're supported in this transition time of year. As well, Autumn is governed by the Lung and the Metal phase of the 5-Phase Cycle, symbolizing the importance of letting go of what needs to be released as we head into Fall. Without this aspect of the season, we might be burdened by carrying too much of what is unnecessary into the dark time of the year, siphoning off the energy needed for staying warm, bright, and equanimous. How might you support yourself to create boundaries that nurture life-enhancing practices as we move into the Fall, and what is ready to be released as we move into chillier times?

Meanwhile, this eclipse time is an opportunity to tap into new insight and revelation in particular areas of our lives. The Taurus-Scorpio cycle that began on November 19th of 2021, or perhaps even earlier than that, say from July 1975-January 1977, September 1984-April 1986, or February 1994-July 1995, will come to a close with a Full Moon Eclipse on October 28th, 2023. This cycle has encouraged us to go into the depths of our psycho-spiritual and psycho-emotional experiences, uncovering all the things that keep us from embodying our full potential, and transforming all of the shadows we find into energy that supports our innate wholeness. This cycle has invited us more fully into the beautiful physical reality of our own bodies and how they hold and carry so much for us, even when we forget they're doing it. We've been invited to honor this embodied experience, finding the traumas that are ready to be healed and integrated, so that our bones, blood, and tissue can be freed from the pain that we've known in all the ways that we have. If you have been in sync with these aspects of the eclipse cycle, you will come to rest even more deeply into the wisdom and life force that is innately carried within you.

And onto the next one! The eclipse cycle that began on April 20th of this year on the Aries-Libra axis will continue through March 29th, 2025 with a New Moon Eclipse on October 14th, 2023. This cycle also occurred January 1977-July 1978, April 1986-November 1987, and August 1995-January 1997, as well as about 9.35 years before the first date listed if you'd like to go back to the 1950s and 1960s. Many astrologers call this axis the "me-we axis," one that involves the development of courage in the face of what scares us most, as well as raised cortisol levels and intensity in our experiences; and its opposite, seeing through the eyes of the heart, tapping into the vagus nerve to find real, meaningful connection with one another and experiences that soothe our souls. If this axis is your natal nodal axis, i.e., you were born in the months and years listed above, you will be particularly affected by this momentous time!

Aries needs to actively bring its will to life in the world, striking out in a way that is representative of the hero/heroine's journey. It learns and grows by encountering the things that forces it to be daring and bold, doing what is uncomfortable but necessary in order to claim ground within itself. It is here to develop courage, which does not mean it that doesn't feel fear; rather, in the face of fear, it chooses to meet the most challenging thing anyway. This is the only way for the ram to do what it is here to do. Whether this is in the arena of relationship or work, going on a soul journey in the world or facing what lies deep within, Aries must develop bravery to get what it's after in this lifetime. If it doesn't, it risks falling into its shadow of rage that can hold it unrelentingly captive, so used to its own anger and volatility that it can't see them clearly but remains in their fiery embrace for longer than it should. It becomes defensive of itself, hiding the parts of its own egoic structure it doesn't want to see behind a wall of flaming armor that is unrelenting in its protection.

Meanwhile, Libra carries a true knack for seeing into the souls of others, but it, too, needs for others to reciprocate this energy, offering this same kindness of seeing into its soul in a profound and loving way. It needs to be met like this, for it has a deep respect for the gift of true and intimate human connection. Of all the signs in the zodiac, this one values close relationships as part of its lifeline, withering away without them. One of Libra's true gifts is the ability to see both sides of a scenario, recognizing that two halves make a whole, and that another perspective will always inform its own in a more balanced way. It is here to create and maintain an unshakable inner harmony, one that is aided by close friendships, art, grace, & beauty, and a carefully-calibrated nervous system that knows what it needs & when it needs it to avoid becoming disregulated and overwhelmed. In its shadow, Libra gives in too quickly, becoming a doormat for others to walk upon rather than standing up for itself and its own needs. It creates a beahvioral pattern of pleasing others, becoming more and more disconnected from its true needs and wants, feigning agreement in every scenario in order to avoid conflict at all costs. It seethes and bristles beneath the surface while wearing an outer facade of equanimity. And it's completely misleading to itself and everyone else.

Where there is a South Node or South Node ruler, there will be a tendency for the energy there to play out in shadow until we alchemize it, moving it to the healthy side of the spectrum, so keep this in mind if the natal nodal axis is here. If other natal planets or angles lie in Aries, Libra, or both, this is an awesome opportunity to ride the wave of being daring and bold in the face of what's uncomfortable so that true connection can be experienced. It's an invitation to lean into relationships that are actually reciprocal (we can only meet someone on even, common ground if we are matched in depth and awareness) so that we feel supported to find the courage that has always been deep within. It's about knowing when to stand our ground fiercely, not out of anger or stubbornness, but because we know we need to; and when to soften and move with grace and kindness because that is the best way for the scenario at hand. It's about doing both in turn, knowing that on a soul journey we must passionately claim what is ours to claim, and gracefully connect with the experiences & beings who remind us of what it feels like to be equanimous in mind, body, and spirit. As we integrate each side of the spectrum, we dance with the Universe in its infinite cycle of giving & receiving, offering & taking, ebbing and flowing. There is a time to expand and move forward with purpose and direction, and a time to contract and let go of what is no longer necessary, holding our energy gracefully within to maintain equipoise and balance. By following this innately intelligent rhythm of life, we become skilled in moving with the Universe as it expresses through us.

In which parts of your life are you being called to claim ground? Where must you develop courage to grow and be more of yourself? Are you hiding behind an aspect of your personality to protect a part of your behavior that needs to be seen and called out? In which areas of your life are you needing more softening? How can you ensure this happens in a healthy and loving way? Are you avoiding conflict in an effort to keep yourself comfortable, meanwhile finding it's making you less of this, not more?

May your Autumn & your Eclipse Season bring just what they are meant to, and may you delight in the play of it all!