Evolution Medicine

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Dune, the Libra New Moon, & Equanimity in a Time of Division

"I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path.

Where the fear has gone, there will be nothing. Only I will remain."

~Frank Herbert, Dune

The New Moon in Libra takes place on Wednesday, October 6th, at 4:05am Pacific Daylight Time and 7:05am Eastern Daylight Time; it comes with some interesting aspects and, as always, divine timing. A New Moon happens when the Sun and Moon are aligned at exactly the same degree and minute as one another, and it lasts a very short span of time within the grand scheme of things. In fact, the current event work that I do as an evolutionary astrologer focuses on longer events in a person's chart, some of which can last up to 5 years! Of course the intensity of the astrological event is not at its height for the entire 5-year period (thank goodness), but the growth and transformation that can take place over the course of 5 years is immense! Yet New Moons and Full Moons, which happen once (or sometimes twice) per month, are very fast astrological events that have become quite en vogue within many astrological and yoga communities alike as of late. I love writing about them because they're potent in their own ways, and they're events we most likely feel because, well, the Moon governs the realm of emotions and feelings. While I may not necessarily choose to focus on such an event in a current event reading, as other longer transits/progressions/events may be more pressing, these brief moments in time happen within the context of the slower-moving planets dancing through the sky, and often the way the Moon relates to these planets is quite compelling. And so, we come to the Libra New Moon.

First, let me share a little about Libran energy, then we can get into the specifics of this particular New Moon. Libra is archetypally represented by the artist, the peacemaker, the best friend, and the lover. John Lennon, a Libra, expressed the sentiments of his birth sign with the famous words, "Imagine all the people living life in peace." And so a Libra will likely feel these sentiments deeply, especially at at time when there doesn't seem to be much peace to be had, inside or out. And yet those born with planets in Libra have come here to understand what it means to embody a deep sense of calm, an unbreakable inner harmony, and a true equanimity that can likely only be found with practice. Libra is an air sign, and the most sensitive of air signs at that. Imagine the scales that represent Libra becoming somewhat caddywumpus and off-kilter every time the wind blows even the slightest amount, and this will give you an idea of Libra's inner experience. Yet this sign that feels so much turbulence is here to learn how to embody an "unbreakable inner harmony," and certainly needs a few strategies to do so.

As the sign of the best friend and the lover, and one that is governed by the planet Venus, Libra seeks and definitely needs deep and soul-mated connection through relationships that provide a sense of being seen, felt, and truly understood. Without this kind of meaningful exchange, Libra will not have access to the inner calm it’s after. As well, Libra is associated with artistry and grace that comes with either creating or basking in the beauty of an exquisite drawing, painting, mural or sculpture, and feeling the serenity that comes from tapping into the creative realm. Spending time in these kinds of spaces is medicine for Libra, and it's key for the soul-soothing sensations that this sign is in need of.

And now, enter the Bene Gesserit. In Frank Herbert's Dune, the Bene Gesserit were like female yoginis who were capable of working with their own psycho-emotional experiences to create a state of inner calm no matter what was happening, and of reading the most subtle energies within situations that would have been completely over the heads of most. Their prowess was known across more than one planet, and through years of working with their own bodies, minds, and emotional experiences, they cultivated extraordinary abilities that got them the reputation of being "Bene Gesserit Witches." Sounds like a compliment to me! This kind of training, while not completely necessary for one with Libran energy in the birthchart, could include some excellent exercises for creating and maintaining the sense of inner calm that is the aim of the sign of the cosmic scales. In fact, we could likely all benefit from some of the Bene Gesserit exercises at a time like this. Yoga and meditation, anyone?

Now, this New Moon will include a conjunction with the planet Mars, who traditional astrologers would say is in 'detriment' in the sign of Libra. As an evolutionary astrologer, I don't find this kind of language helpful, but it's important to know the archetypal energies of Libra, and those of Aries, its opposite, in order to understand the deeper meanings of planets and their movements. Mars is the god of war, and he is associated with the will, passionate intensity, and eros. He invites us to defend or claim a boundary in ourselves or in our lives, encouraging us to take a stand where we need to in order to actualize ourselves and a part of our journeys. Right now, Mars asks us to defend the part of ourselves that Libra so deeply needs:: inner equanimity. For example, how easy is it in our current reality to see life from only one perspective without the ability to listen deeply to the person sitting in front of us? How tempting to drown out all other views than those that make us feel like we are right and everyone else who disagrees with us wrong? Mars is fierce, and his ferocity is encouraging us to claim the boundary within ourselves that allows us to truly give another the respect and dignity they deserve, regardless of how their opinions differ from our own. This might take some Bene Gesserit training, but it's possible for us all. We can gracefully hold the center while hearing out other's ideas and experiences of reality. And the repercussions of that might be more powerful than we can imagine.

This New Moon also includes an inconjunct (or quincunx, if you prefer) relationship with the planet Uranus in the sign of Taurus. Uranus entered the sign of the Bull in 2018, where it will remain until the Spring of 2026. Again, Uranus is traditionally in "fall" while in Taurus, but I find working with the energies of the signs and planets more important than a label that might lead us astray. Uranus is associated with revolution, change, innovation, rebellion, and freedom. It encourages us to the most radical authenticity we can possibly imagine, which takes us outside of the realm of what we've been conditioned to believe about reality, and into a more cutting edge place that we don't always (or often) inhabit. I've written a lot about Uranus lately because it's my favorite planet! It invites freedom from old paradigms and ways of thinking and being that we've outgrown individually and as a collective, moving us into realms that are resonant with our deepest sense of truth. And when it comes to Taurean territory, this includes Mother Earth, our own bodies, our sense of well-being, and a feeling of stability. Here, we're being invited to recognize that what we thought brought us security in the generations that preceded ours is, in fact, up for reassessment. 'Security' to me means something completely different than it did to my grandparents, and while finances play a role, feeling well-resourced in my life in the multitude of ways that are possible is much more important than the dolla bill, y'all. Taurus needs healthy relationship with Gaia and with their own body, and also ruled by Venus, it needs to find this place of serenity through these relationships. So, how can we enter into a healthier way of being and relating to our beautiful planet? How can we reclaim the common sense that feeding our bodies healthy food, nourishing practices, and time in Nature is actually medicinal? In what ways have we subscribed to a belief of safety out of convenience rather than being willing to change how we relate to our own bodies, habits, and ways of living? The Bene Gesserits might have a thing or two to teach us on that one...but for now, we can learn from the multitude of resources in and around us. Thankfully, there are many!

May we relate to ourselves, each other, and the planet with the grace, respect, and love that Libra knows, and may we remember the potential of who we came here to be so we can live this truth in the world, making it a better place for all who inhabit our beautiful planet.